Tooth Extraction
Tooth Extraction And General Dentistry | Low-Pain| Teeth Pulled
Dental Tooth Extraction | Dentist Near Me | Lisbon, Maine
Dental Tooth Extractions at Two Rivers Family Dentistry

If you have a broken tooth, our priority at Two Rivers Family Dentistry is to repair and restore your tooth to full health if at all possible. However, if the tooth is too damaged for a repair to be effective, then a tooth extraction, also known as exodontia, may just be the best solution.
Some situations that can lead to the need for a tooth to be pulled include:
Serious trauma or damage to the tooth
If a tooth has been physically damaged or experienced gradual decay, it may become so loose that tooth extraction is the only option.
Orthodontic problems
Some orthodontic treatments involve tooth extraction to make room to improve the overall alignment of the teeth.
Teeth that are non-functioning or wrongly positioned
If a tooth or teeth are not aligned or functioning properly in the mouth they may need to be removed.
This means too many teeth have grown in the mouth. The extra teeth, known as supernumerary teeth, can prevent other, necessary teeth from growing in and also lead to tooth crowding, difficulty chewing, and many other issues.
Radiation & Chemotherapy
The side effects of these types of treatments can sometimes necessitate a tooth being pulled.
Medication side effects
Certain medications can cause dental health issues that might require a tooth extraction.
Tooth Extraction Types
Simple Extractions
This is performed when the tooth is visible and easily accessible to the dentist and typically only requires the use of a local anesthetic. However, sedation and anti-anxiety medications can be administered to patients who feel anxious about the procedure.
Surgical Extractions
If a tooth is NOT visible and accessible, then your dentist will need to perform a surgical extraction. For example, broken teeth or teeth that never rose above the gum line might require surgical extraction. This type of procedure sometimes requires bone removal and the lifting or folding of the gum tissue while extracting the tooth. Local anesthesia and/or conscious sedation can be used for surgical extractions.
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Impacted teeth can sometimes lead to infection, tooth decay, gum disease, or even interference with your bite. We can help patients avoid these issues by extracting wisdom teeth before they are fully developed. Wisdom teeth are also sometimes extracted to make room for orthodontic treatments.
No matter why you need a tooth extracted, you can count on the team at Two Rivers Family Dentistry to make the process as easy and pain-free as possible.
Post-Care Recommendations For Tooth Extraction
Whether you are an adult having a tooth removed or you are a parent and your child is having one of their baby teeth extracted, it is important to know how to handle post-care. First and foremost, make sure to follow your dentist’s guidelines, including any prescribed or recommended medication instructions. Here are some other steps to consider for a simple non-surgical tooth extraction:
- Gauze/Bleeding: After a tooth extraction, your dentist will place folded gauze over the socket to help with the blood clotting process. You or your child will be instructed to lightly bite down on the gauze to hold in place. After about an hour, that piece of gauze can be removed. If there is still bleeding, a fresh piece of gauze should be folded, wet with warm water, and placed on the socket. After 30 minutes, remove that piece of gauze. If there is still active bleeding, we recommend calling your dentist for further instructions.
- Soreness/Swelling: Swelling and soreness are often common for 1-2 days after your tooth extraction. We recommend a cold compress or ice pack to both relieve pain and decrease the swelling in the mouth.
- Food: It is recommended you avoid hard or chewy foods. Soft foods are recommended including smoothies, mashed potatoes, and ice cream. In fact, foods like ice cream can also provide a little bit of relief. That said give the ice cream some time to melt so it isn’t too cold or too hard.
Frequently Asked Questions About Tooth Extraction:
There are two main categories of tooth extractions: simple and surgical. These two types of tooth extractions are very different in terms of procedure and post-care.
- Simple Tooth Extraction: During a simple tooth extraction the mouth will be numbed similarly to how it would be numbed before a filling, root canal, or other dental procedure. The tooth will then be removed or “pulled”. When the tooth is removed, gauze will be placed over the socket to help with the blood clotting process. Your dentist will recommend that you bite down on the gauze for 45 minutes to an hour. After the treatment, it is common to experience soreness and swelling for up to two days after the treatment. It is recommended that t he patient uses an ice pack or cold compress to reduce swelling, rests, and uses any medication provided or recommended by their dentist.
- Surgical Tooth Extraction: When a tooth is not visible above the gums but is causing problems including impacting or infection, it may need to be removed surgically. This is usually done over multiple appointments. First and appointment is made to get x-rays of the mouth to assess the issue with the impacted teeth. At the extraction, the patient is usually awake for the procedure but under local anesthetics. An incision is made, the teeth are removed, and the incision is sown back up. Your dental surgeon will provide extensive post-care instructions and will prescribe medications. You will likely have a follow up appointment afterward to have the stitches removed.
If a tooth is pulled because it is infected or otherwise causing problems for your oral health you might need to consider tooth replacement options. Obviously if a wisdom tooth or a baby tooth is pulled, there isn’t an issue with replacement. But when a permanent tooth is taken away you have a few options to consider.
- Dental Implants: A dental implant is a surgical treatment where a post is placed below the gums, and over the course of a few months is bonded to your jawline similar to a natural tooth root. It helps maintain the shape of your face and smile and mimics the way your teeth naturally fit in your mouth.
- Dental Bridges: A dental bridge is a false tooth that is held in place by connecting to the surrounding teeth on either side of the gap. This works by adding dental crowns as anchors to either side of the tooth.
Not necessarily, but it is pretty common that wisdom teeth are removed. If the teeth are impacted, meaning they come in at an angle and hit the back molars, it is recommended that they are surgically removed. Otherwise they can lead to infection and damage your back molars. Even if your wisdom teeth do come-in your mouth might not have the room for 32 teeth. This can lead to your teeth shifting and orthodontic issues. However, in some cases, there are patients either born without wisdom teeth or who are able to have their wisdom teeth come-in healthy and without any dental or orthodontic issues.
You might be worried that your child’s baby teeth are not falling out on time. Often parents who have access to children’s dental health books will have a timeline of when to expect teeth to erupt, shed, and be replaced by adult teeth. It is important to understand that those are ranges and that different children develop at different rates. One thing you should never do is try t o pull out a tooth at home. Not only can it really hurt for a kid, but it can cause oral problems. If you are concerned that your child has a baby tooth that won’t fall out, call your dentist and schedule a quick visit. They can let you know if tooth extraction is actually necessary or if it is better to wait and let it happen naturally.